Resolve to Improve Your Security in 2021, We are Here to Help

One need look no farther than the headlines to hear horror stories of companies grinding to a halt because of ransomware or sensitive personal information being sold to the highest bidder. Securing your network is not only a necessity, it should be your number one priority.

The threat is so hard to ignore that many organizations already have some security in place but how do you know the measures you implemented in the last few years are still sufficient? It is an unrelenting game of cat and mouse: threats evolve and you must too. LARG*net is already well placed to assist: not only do we have scalable security tools in our network, but we are also directly upstream of your network. We can be the motion-sensor light that shines a spotlight on potential threats as they approach your door.

We take an outside-in approach. The first step is an external vulnerability scan and they are free to our members. If the internet is constantly probing your network for weaknesses, we think you should also know what it finds. Many members have already signed up for this free service and all have benefited immensely.

Once your external vulnerabilities are addressed it’s time to focus on the internal ones. Internal issues tend to represent the greatest risk to your organization and are often overlooked. We offer internal vulnerability scans that don’t just highlight the problem areas but prioritize them so you can determine where to focus your resolution efforts.

We also have several intrusion systems and a high confidence threat intelligence feed developed in house. Leveraging these tools blocks attackers immediately and requires no extra effort.

You can have all the right systems in place and still be vulnerable to phishing attacks. No technological means will eliminate this risk, but it can be mitigated by training your employees to be vigilant. We offer an experience-based training regimen that includes real life demonstrations. Some will find it depressing, some will find it validating, but all will find it useful.

Our complete list of security services is available online. This is by no means a definitive list. We are open to adding other services that you require so let us know how we can help.