Posts in Security
DDOS growth

We average one DDoS a month during the summer. People are on vacation so there are fewer victims to prey on and fewer attackers to architect their demise. The number of attacks spikes after Labour Day coinciding with the start of a new school year. Schools aren’t the only target but they certainly are the biggest though, admittedly, our results may be skewed by the sheer number of students within member organizations.

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DIY DNS firewall

URLhaus is a fantastic free resource that provides many feeds. We’re going to focus on DNS Response Policy Zone (RPZ), also known as DNS firewall, which allows you to block the resolution of certain domain names on your DNS resolver. URLhaus extracts domain names from malware URLs and offers them as an RPZ dataset conveniently formatted to be a BIND DNS zone drop in. This is a high confidence feed because it blocks domains that are actively distributing malware.

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